Changing or Removing Passwords

After you password-protect your WD drive to secure your files, you can change your password or remove password protection from your drive. You may want to change your password periodically to ensure that your files are always protected from unauthorized users.

Note: If you have used the WD SmartWare™ Drive Manager to disable (hide) your WD SmartWare VCD, all the password options are dimmed. You cannot add a password if the SmartWare VCD is disabled. To enable the drive, click Virtual CD, follow the onscreen instructions to enable your WD SmartWare VCD, and then set a password.

To change your password:

  1. Type your current password in the Password field. The Remove Security and Change Password options become active.
  2. Click Change Password.
  3. Enter a new password in the New Password field; then enter the same password in the Verify Password field.
  4. If desired, enter a new password hint.
  5. Click Update Security Settings.

Important: After changing your password, your new password does not become active until you either shut down and restart your computer, or disconnect and reconnect your WD drive. The next time you start WD SmartWare, you will be prompted to type your new password to unlock your drive.

To remove password protection:

  1. Type your current password in the Password field.
  2. Click Remove Security.
  3. Click Update Security Settings.