Enabling or Disabling your WD SmartWare Virtual CD
The WD SmartWare™ Virtual CD (VCD) Drive Manager lets you enable (display) or disable (hide) the WD SmartWare VCD associated with a specific WD drive connected to your drive. Your WD SmartWare VCD is enabled (displayed) by default.
Important: If you choose to disable (hide) the WD SmartWare VCD associated with a specific drive, and your drive is password protected, you must remove password protection before disabling (hiding) the VCD. After disabling the VCD, you cannot password protect your drive until you enable (display) the VCD again.
To disable or enable your VCD:
- If you have password-protected your drive, click Security, enter your password, click Remove Security, and then click Update Security Settings.
- Click Virtual CD to display the Virtual CD screen; then do one of the following:
- If your firmware is updated to the current version, click the desired option; then click Apply VCD Settings to apply the change.
- If your firmware version is not current, click the Update Firmware Version link. You cannot disable your SmartWare VCD until you have updated the firmware (if required). A web page is displayed, from which you download and update your firmware to the latest version. After updating the firmware, return to the WD SmartWare Virtual CD screen, select the desired option, and then click Apply VCD Settings.