Changing Your Password

You can change or remove your password to change or remove drive security.

To change your password:

  1. Type your password in the Password field to display the Remove Security and Change Password options.
  2. Select the Change Password option to display the New password and New password hint boxes and the Update Security Settings button.
  3. Type a new password in the New Password field.
  4. Retype your new password in the Verify password field; then type a new password hint if desired.
  5. Click Update Security Settings to set your new password.
    Note: After changing your password, the drive remains unlocked for as long as you continue your current work session. Disconnect and reconnect your drive for the new settings to be recognized.

To remove password protection:

  1. After entering your current password, click Remove Security to display the Update Security Settings button.
  2. Click Update Security Settings to remove password protection from your drive.

Do one of the following: