Unlocking Your Drive using the Unlock Application
If you used the WD SmartWare™ software Security option and set a password to lock your drive, you must unlock your drive using the Unlock application on the WD SmartWare Virtual CD (VCD) of the WD drive you want to unlock.
To unlock your drive using the Unlock application:
- Locate and open to the WD SmartWare VCD on the drive you want to unlock in one of the following ways:
- For Windows, right-click the WD SmartWare VCD icon and choose Open from the drop-down menu.
- For Macintosh, double-click the WD SmartWare VCD icon to open it.
- Double-click the Unlock application to start the program, type your password to unlock the drive, and then click Unlock to unlock your drive.
- If the password you typed is not correct, an Invalid password message appears. You can try again, up to four (4) times, before you must disconnect, power down, and then reconnect your drive to try again.