NetSpot Device Installer Version 3.11

Copyright(C) CANON INC. 2004

Novell and NetWare are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
IPX/SPX and Novell Client are trademarks of Novell, Inc.

Microsoft, Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Windows Server is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

Other company or product names used in this manual and not included in the list above are trademarks of those companies and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.


Software License Agreement
System Requirements
Compatible Devices
Installing NetSpot Device Installer
Starting NetSpot Device Installer
Initial Protocol Settings (TCP/IP)
Initial Protocol Settings (IPX)
Instructions for Using NetSpot Device Installer
Uninstalling NetSpot Device Installer
The settings for the firewall of the Windows XP Service Pack 2
Important Release Notes


NetSpot Device Installer is utility software that allows you to make network protocol settings for Canon devices connected to your network.

This README file contains the latest information and important notes about NetSpot Device Installer. Please review it before using this software.

Software License Agreement

Before using this software, please be sure to review the Software License Agreement (License_English.rtf), located in the same folder as this readme file.

System Requirements

There are two versions of NetSpot Device Installer: the TCP/IP version and the IPX version. Their operation has been confirmed with the following systems.

NetSpot Device Installer for TCP/IP
OS Microsoft Windows 98 Service Pack 1 or higher
Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition
Microsoft Windows Me
Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 + Service Pack 4 or higher
Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 + Service Pack 4 or higher
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Web browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 or higher (except version 5.0)
Computer The computer on which the above OS runs.
Hard disk 15MB or more of free space
(Required only if you install this program onto a hard disk.)
Protocols TCP/IP
Protocol stacks The TCP/IP protocol provided with Windows
NetSpot Device Installer for IPX
OS Microsoft Windows 98 Service Pack 1 or higher
Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition
Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 + Service Pack 4 or higher
Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 + Service Pack 4 or higher
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
Web browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 or higher (except version 5.0)
Computer The computer on which the above OS runs.
Hard disk 15 MB or more of free space
(This is required only if you copy this program onto a hard disk.)
Protocols IPX
Protocol stack Novell Client for Windows

Compatible Devices

For a list of compatible devices, refer to support_device_English.txt, located in the same folder as this readme file.

Installing NetSpot Device Installer

You can use NetSpot Device Installer with or without installing it on your computer. If you choose installation, follow the procedure below. (Both NetSpot Device Installer for TCP/IP and for IPX are installed at the same time.)

To use plug-ins, install both NetSpot Device Installer and the plug-ins on the computer using the following procedure. For more information on plug-ins, refer to Plug-Ins.
  1. Run nsdisetup.exe, located in the same folder as this readme file.

    The installation program starts.

  2. Specify the folder where this software is to be installed.

    If you want to register this software to the Start menu, select the [Add to Start Menu] check box.

  3. Click the [OK] button.

    When installation of NetSpot Device Installer finishes, the plug-in installer program starts.

  4. Select the plug-ins you want to install, and click the [Start Installation] button.

    For more information on plug-ins, refer to Plug-Ins.
This completes the installation of NetSpot Device Installer.

Starting NetSpot Device Installer

  NetSpot Device Installer for TCP/IP NetSpot Device Installer for IPX
Use without installation: Double-click nsdi.exe, located in the same folder as this readme file. Double-click nsdi_ipx.exe, located in the same folder as this readme file.
Use after installation: If you registered this software to the [Start] menu, point to [Programs] on the [Start] menu, and then point to [NetSpot Device Installer] and click [NetSpot Device Installer].
If you did not register this software to the [Start] menu, double-click nsdi.exe, located in the folder where you installed this software.
If you registered this software to the [Start] menu, point to [Programs] on the [Start] menu, and then point to [NetSpot Device Installer] and click [NetSpot Device Installer for IPX].
If you did not register this software to the [Start] menu, double-click nsdi_ipx.exe, located in the folder where you installed this software.

Initial Protocol Settings (TCP/IP)

Follow the procedure below to configure the initial TCP/IP settings for a device.

With Windows NT/2000/XP/Server 2003 log into your system as an Administrator to configure the initial protocol settings for a device.
When running the NetSpot Device Installer for TCP/IP under Windows XP Service Pack 2, unconfigured devices will not be displayed in the device list if the firewall function is active. To bring up an unconfigured device in the device list, it is necessary to register NetSpot Device Installer as a program that is not to be blocked. For instructions on how to make registration settings, refer to The settings for the firewall of the Windows XP Service Pack 2. If you do not register the program, make the initial protocol settings by performing step 6 after step 3.
If a router has been set to transmit the specified subnet broadcast address, some types of Canon devices connected to the network through the router can be initialized (only those devices having [Not Configured] status). To initialize such devices, first you must make broadcast discovery settings. For instructions on how to make broadcast discovery settings, refer to Setting Discovery Criteria in the online help.
If the factory default IP address for the device is a valid address on the subnet of the computer where NetSpot Device Installer for TCP/IP is running, the device will be shown in the device list as a configured device even if you have not made the initial protocol settings. To set the protocol for such a device, refer to Changing Protocol Settings in the online help. (The factory default settings differ according to the type of device or network board you are using. For details, refer to the documentation provided with the device.)
  1. Install a network interface board into the device and connect it to your network, and then turn on the power switch.

    Refer to the manual for the device or network interface board for necessary settings.

  2. Confirm the MAC address for the device.

    Refer to the manual for the device or network interface board for instructions on confirming the MAC address.

  3. Start NetSpot Device Installer for TCP/IP.

  4. Check whether any devices whose status is [Not Configured] appear in the list.

    If the device's status is [Not Configured] and its MAC address in [Device Name] matches the MAC address for the device that you want to configure:
    Proceed to step 5.
    In other instances than the one stated above:
    Proceed to step 6.

  5. Set the IP address.

    When acquiring the IP address from the DHCP server:
    Right-click the device that is [Not Configured], point to [IP Address Setting] on the shortcut menu, and then click [DHCP]. Proceed to step 10.
    When setting the IP address manually:
    Right-click the device that is [Not Configured], point to [IP Address Setting] on the shortcut menu, and then click [Manual Setting]. Input the IP address and click the [OK] button. Proceed to step 10.

  6. Select [New] in the [Device] menu.

    Next, input the MAC address for the device and then click the [Next >] button.
    Example: 0000851334AC

  7. In the [Initial Settings] dialog box, configure the items below and click the [Next >] button.

    If your computer is connected to a number of different networks (If your computer is equipped with several network interface boards), or if several broadcast discoveries are set, select the subnet for the device.

    [Product Type]:
    Select the product name for the device.
    If the product name does not appear in the list, select an applicable item from [Product series name + network interface board name]. If you do not know the name of the network interface board you are using, check by printing out a status report. For more information about printing out a status report, refer to the documentation for the product you are using.

    [Physical Interface]:
    Select the type of physical interface used by your device.

  8. In the [Initial Settings] dialog box, configure TCP/IP protocol.

    [Frame Type]:
    Select the frame type used in your TCP/IP environment.
    When the [Frame Type] is set to [Disabled], the network board is not recognized on a TCP/IP network.

    [IP Address Setting with]:
    Select an address configuration type.
    [Manual Setting]
    Use this to manually specify the IP address. The IP address input into [IP Address] is set to the network board.
    Obtains an IP address using DHCP. The DHCP server must be running. If DHCP is not available, configure using [Manual Setting]. (DHCP is not available with some devices.)

    [IP Address]:
    Input the IP address of the network board. (You cannot input this if using DHCP.)

    [Gateway Address]:
    Input the gateway address for your TCP/IP network. (You cannot input this if using DHCP.)

    [Subnet Mask]:
    Input the subnet address for your TCP/IP network. (You cannot input this if using DHCP.)

    [Broadcast Address]:
    Input the broadcast address for your TCP/IP network. (You cannot input this if using DHCP.)
  9. Click the [OK] button after configuring all the items.

  10. When the "The device has been reset" message appears, click the [OK] button to reset the device. After the device has restarted, the new setting is now valid.
    When the message "Turn the device off and then on again " appears, click the [OK] button and turn the device's power off and then on again. The new setting is now valid.
    After the device has restarted, run [Discover Devices] from the [View] menu to display the device in the list.

    Immediately after you click the [OK] button or after you restart the device, the selected device may not appear in the list even if you run [Discover Devices] because the device settings are not complete.

This completes the TCP/IP initial configuration.

To change the TCP/IP settings, right-click the device for which you want to change the settings in the list, and then select [Protocol Settings].

Initial Protocol Settings (IPX)

With IPX, if devices are set up to detect the frame type automatically, you do not need to make any settings. Simply start NetSpot Device Installer for IPX and the devices should appear in the device list. If the device that you want is not in the list, set the device frame type that suits your system. (Some devices may not be able to detect types automatically.)
You can set the frame type from the device panel, but you can also set it with NetSpot Device Installer for TCP/IP. For details about how to set the frame type with NetSpot Device Installer for TCP/IP, refer to the online help page.

To change the IPX settings, right-click the device for which you want to change the settings, and then select [Protocol Settings].


You can add the following plug-ins to the NetSpot Device Installer for TCP/IP.

Plug-In Name Function
Device Note This plug-in allows you to store notes for individual devices.
IPX Print Service Settings This plug-in allows you to make settings for IPX Print Services in the TCP/IP environment.
Save/Restore NIC Settings This plug-in allows you to save network interface board configurations as files, and change network interface board settings with configurations already saved in files. (It may not be possible to use this function with all devices.)
Save Device List This plug-in allows you to save a list of devices belonging to a device group as a file in text or HTML format.

Installing Plug-Ins

Although you can launch NetSpot Device Installer for TCP/IP from a CD-ROM, in order to use plug-ins, both NetSpot Device Installer for TCP/IP and the plug-ins must be installed on your computer.

* When NetSpot Device Installer has not yet been installed on the computer

Plug-ins can be installed during the installation of NetSpot Device Installer. Refer to Installing NetSpot Device Installer for the procedure.

* When NetSpot Device Installer has already been installed on the computer

  1. Double click the pluginsetup.exe file located in the same folder as this readme file.

    The installation program starts.

  2. Specify the folder where NetSpot Device Installer has been installed, and click the [OK] button.

  3. Select the plug-ins you want to install, and click the [Start Installation] button.

This completes installation of the plug-ins.

Instructions for Using NetSpot Device Installer

For instructions on using NetSpot Device Installer and Plug-Ins, refer to the online help page.
Click here to display NetSpot Installer for TCP/IP help.
Click here to display NetSpot Installer for IPX help.
To display help pages when you are using NetSpot Device Installer, select [Help] in the [Help] menu.

Uninstalling NetSpot Device Installer

To uninstall NetSpot Device Installer, follow the procedure below.

If you registered this software to the [Start] menu, point to [Programs] on the [Start] menu, and then point to [NetSpot Device Installer] and select [Uninstall NetSpot Device Installer]. If you did not register, double-click rmnsdi.bat, located in the folder where you installed this software.

Uninstalling NetSpot Device Installer also uninstalls the plug-ins.
Performing the procedure above does not delete the initial settings file. To delete this file, proceed as follows.
Windows NT/2000/XP/Server 2003
Delete the "nsdi" folder in "Documents and Settings\<user name>\Local Settings\Application Data\" on the drive where Windows system is installed. (The "Local Settings" folder is a hidden folder. If you cannot see it, change a folder option to be able to view hidden folders.)

Windows Me
Delete the "nsdi" folder in "<folder where Windows system is installed>\Application Data\" on the drive where Windows system was installed. If there are several user accounts using various environments, delete the "nsdi" folder in "<folder where Windows system is installed)\Profiles\<user name>\Application Data\". (The folder where Windows system is installed is usually "Windows".)

Windows 98
Delete the "nsdi" folder in "<folder where Windows system is installed>\Local Settings\Application Data\" on the drive where Windows system was installed. If there are several user accounts using various environments, delete the "nsdi" folder in "<folder where Windows system is installed>\Profiles\<user name>\Local Settings\Application Data\". (The folder where Windows system is installed usually "Windows".)

The settings for the firewall of the Windows XP Service Pack 2

When running the NetSpot Device Installer for TCP/IP under Windows XP Service Pack 2, it is necessary to register NetSpot Device Installer as a program that is not to be blocked for displaying unconfigured devices in the device list, or carrying out Broadcast Discovery and Multicast Discovery on a network other than the local subnet. The registration procedure is as follows.

  1. Display the [Windows Firewall] dialog box.

    Click [Control Panel] in the [Start] menu.
    The [Control Panel] window appears.
    Click [Security Center] in the [Control Panel] window.
    The [Windows Security Center] window appears.
    Click [Windows Firewall] at the bottom of the [Windows Security Center] window.
    The [Windows Firewall] window appears.
  2. Register "nsdi.exe" as an exception.

    Click the [Exceptions] tab in the [Windows Firewall] dialog box.
    The [Exceptions] sheet appears.
    Click [Add Program] in the [Exceptions] dialog box.
    The [Add a Program] dialog box appears.
    Click [Browse] in the [Add a Program] dialog box.
    The [Browse] dialog box appears.
    In the [Browse] dialog box, go to the folder where NetSpot Device Installer is installed, select "nsdi.exe", and then click [Open].
    Returns to the [Add a Program] dialog box.
    If NetSpot Device Installer is not installed, go to the folder on the CD-ROM where NetSpot Device Installer is included, and select "nsdi.exe".

    In the [Add a Program] dialog box, select "nsdi.exe" from the list and click [OK].
    Returns to the [Windows Firewall] dialog box.
    In the [Windows Firewall] dialog box, Confirm that the box next to "nsdi.exe" is checked and click [OK].

The registration settings are complete.

Important Release Notes

  1. The devices to which Ethernet Board EB-52 has been installed cannot be discovered using the default discovery setting. Specify the IP addresses for these devices individually or the IP address range that contains the IP addresses for these devices to discover them. For instruction on how to make these settings, refer to Setting Discovery Criteria in the online help.

  2. For several devices, you can set the devices to deep sleep mode if the devices will not be used for a certain amount of time. If you use the devices and then set them to deep sleep mode, note the following.

    One or more of the devices may not shift to deep sleep mode because this software accesses the devices.
    This software may not be able to discover or acquire the status of devices which are in deep sleep mode. In this case, try again.


If you have queries regarding the operating procedures for this software after referring to the manual, please contact your Canon authorized dealer or Canon authorized service provider. For the latest information about this software, refer to the homepage of Canon Inc..