Hewlett-Packard LaserJet P2030 Series
Install Notes
End-user software components for Minimal Install on USB installations only
End-user software components for Typical Install
Printing system installation from
This document provides specific installation instructions and other information you should know before you install and use the printing system. The HP LaserJet P2030 Series software works with the following operating systems:
· Windows NT 4.0 (PCL 5e ONLY)
· Windows 2000
· Windows XP (32-bit and 64-bit)
· Windows Server 2003 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Note: HP LaserJet P2030 Series software does not support Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME and Windows Server 2000.
For instructions to install Macintosh OS components, or other systems, see the associated installation notes, readme files, or other product information for that particular system.
This file provides specific installation, compatibility, and troubleshooting information. For additional information about device features and driver features, see the device user guide and the online help included with each software component.
All users require this printing system software to operate the HP LaserJet P2030 Series printers.
The CD-ROM has software for IBM-compatible computer systems, and Apple Macintosh (and compatible) systems. For more information about a particular driver or software component, see its associated online help.
A driver is software that provides software applications access to the device features. Typically, you should install drivers for each device. The printing-system software CD-ROM that came with your device includes the following Windows drivers:
· HP LaserJet P2030 Series Host-based print driver
Some drivers
for this device are available for download from the Internet. These
drivers are:
· HP LaserJet
P2030 Series PCL5 UPD print driver
· HP LaserJet
P2030 Series XPS print driver
· None
A driver is software that provides software applications access to the device features. Typically, you should install drivers for each device. The printing-system software CD-ROM that came with your device includes the following Windows drivers:
· HP LaserJet P2030 Series Host-based print driver
Some drivers
for this device are available for download from the Internet. These
drivers are:
· HP LaserJet
P2030 Series PCL5 UPD print driver
· HP LaserJet
P2030 Series XPS print driver
· User Guide (Windows Help format)
· HP Extended Capabilities
Additional drivers might be available from your Hewlett-Packard distributor or from online sources. See the "Technical Assistance" section of this document or the device user guide for more information about obtaining drivers and other HP software.
The latest version of Acrobat Reader is available on the Adobe website at http://www.adobe.com/.
The following documents are available on the printing system software CD-ROM:
· Document:
HP LaserJet P2030 Series User Guide
File name: 2030UserGuide.pdf
File name: 2030UserGuide.chm
Path: <CD-ROM Drive>:\<Language>\MANUALS\2030UserGuide.pdf
Path: <CD-ROM Drive>:\<Language>\MANUALS\2030UserGuide.chm
· Document:
HP LaserJet P2030 Series Install Notes
File name: 2030SeriesInstallnotes.htm
Path: <CD-ROM Drive>:\<Language>\2030SeriesInstallnotes.htm
The uninstall utility allows you to remove the Windows HP printing system components. See the "Uninstaller" section for more instructions.
· Certain high speed USB 2.0 cards ship with unsigned host controller drivers. If you have purchased a USB 2.0 add-in card and have an unsigned driver, you might experience driver installation problems or communication problems between the device and HP software. It is recommended that you always use a Microsoft WHQL Certified host controller driver with your USB hardware.
· Plug and Play print driver packages are available on the Web at the following URL:
· Functionality on systems that only meet minimum system requirements will be limited. Use of many images or videos requires a system that meets the recommended system requirements for acceptable performance and reliability.
· Troubleshooting Setup and Install
If your device is not recognized:
· On a Thai system, some components may show English text.
· HP recommends that you uninstall HP devices before upgrading to a newer supported version of Windows. For example, when upgrading from Windows 2000 to Windows XP, uninstall your HP device using Add/Remove Programs and then upgrade to the new operating system. After the operating system upgrade is complete, re-install your HP device using the latest software from the following URL:
· Microsoft Wordpad does not display compressed JPEG files contained in an RTF file. To display these files, use a different application such as Microsoft Word.
For an updated listing of known issues for the HP LaserJet printing system software, see the HP LaserJet P2030 Series device support pages at the following URLs:
For an updated listing of issues fixed for the HP LaserJet printing system software, see the HP LaserJet P2030 Series device support pages at the following URLs:
Use the link for the "Release Notes" or "Readme File" found on the driver download page for the operating system and driver version to be used.
When operating in a Windows environment, the CD-ROM setup or installation software detects the version and language of the operating system that you are running.
NOTE: Administrator privileges are required to install the printing system on a Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows Vista operating system.
1. Do not plug the USB/parallel cable into the computer system.
2. Close all programs.
3. Insert the CD-ROM.
4. If the HP printing system installer program has not started after 30 seconds, complete steps 5 through 7.
5. Select Run from the Start menu on your taskbar.
6. Browse to the root directory on the CD-ROM drive.
7. Select the P2030EGSG.EXE file, click Open, and then click OK.
8. Follow the prompts.
The HP LaserJet P2030 Series printer may also be installed via Microsoft's Add Printer feature in the Printers folder. This is also known as Add Printer Wizard or APW. APW instructions will change slightly with different versions of Windows.
WinXP APW Install
1. Ensure the HP LaserJet P2030 Series printer has not been plugged in and is not connected to the computer.
2. From the Start menu, point to Control Panel, and click Printers and Faxes.
3. Click Add Printer, then click Next on the “Welcome to Add Printer Wizard” screen.
4. Follow the directions on screen.
5. When asked if the product is a local or network printer, select Local Printer (This is the default selection). Un-check the Automatically detect and install my Plug and Play printer checkbox. Press Next.
6a. If you are installing via USB and have not previously installed the HP LaserJet P2030 Series, there will not be a USB port installed yet. This is normal. Select LPT1: and click Next.
6b. If you are installing via USB and have previously installed and connected the HP LaserJet P2030 Series, there will be a USB port installed. Select this USB port and click Next
Note: Ensure that you connect the HP LaserJet P2030 Series to the same physical USB port you previously had it connected to.
7. Select "Have Disk" and then specify the location of the HP LaserJet P2030 Series driver to be installed.
8. If multiple selections are presented, select your printer model and click Next.
9. Follow the directions on screen.
10. When asked to connect the printer, plug in and connect the HP LaserJet P2030 Series printer to your computer.
Note: If you are not asked to connect the HP LaserJet P2030 Series printer at this time, you should plug it in and connect it to your computer when installation completes.
11. Follow the directions on the screen until installation is completed.
When installation is completed you may have two copies of the printer driver created. If this is the case, you should delete the first one created. Typically it will have the same name as your printer model. To check how many drivers were created, and to delete the first one, follow the steps below
1. From the Start menu, point to Settings, and click Printers.
2. If you have both "HP LaserJet P2030 Series " and "HP LaserJet P2030 Series (Copy 2)", do not delete the one with "Copy 2" in the name. Instead delete the first driver created called "HP LaserJet P2030 Series"
At this point you are ready to print using the "HP LaserJet P2030 Series (Copy 2)" driver.
The PCL5e driver is located on the web at the following URL:
Use Add Printer Wizard to install the PCL5e driver.
The XPS driver is located on the software CD that shipped with your printer and on the web at the following URL:
Use Add Printer
Wizard to install the XPS driver.
After a printing system installation, use the uninstall icon in the HP LaserJet P2030 Series program group to remove all of the HP printing system components.
1. From the Start menu, in the HP LaserJet P2030 Series program group, click the HP LaserJet P2030 Series uninstall icon.
2. The printing system guides you through the removal of all of the printing system components.
Some of the following services are provided for the
See your device user guide or the in-box support flyer, or call your local authorized HP dealer.
Browse to one of the following
URLs for online technical support:
See your device user guide for additional methods of obtaining software and support information, such as printer driver distribution centers, other online services, fax services, and other online support.
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See the device user guide for complete warranty and support information.
© 2008 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.