Revision : 02 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Software name ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software Supported models * All ThinkCentre systems * All ThinkStation systems * ThinkPad Edge 11, Edge 13, Edge 14, Edge 15 * ThinkPad Edge E220s, Edge E420, Edge E520, Edge E420s * ThinkPad G40, G41 * ThinkPad R50, R50e, R50p, R51, R51e, R52, R60, R60e, R60i, R61, R61e, R61i * ThinkPad L410, L412, L510, L512, L430, L530 * ThinkPad S30, S31 * ThinkPad SL300, SL400, SL410, SL500, SL510 * ThinkPad T20, T21, T22, T23, T30, T40, T40p, T41, T41p, T42, T42p, T43, T43p, T60, T60p, T61, T61p * ThinkPad T400s, T410, T410i, T410s, T410si, T510, T420, T520 * ThinkPad W510, W701, W530 * ThinkPad X60, X61, X201, X201i, X201s, X201si, X201 Tablet, X300, X220, X220T, X230, X121e, X131e, X230 tablet, X1, X1 Carbon, X230i, X230i Tablet * ThinkPad Z60m, Z60t, Z61e, Z61m, Z61p, Z61t * ThinkPad T410, T410i, T430, T430i, T430s, T430si, T430u, T510, T510i, T530, T530i, W510, W520, T520, T520i, T410s, T410i, L412, X201, X201s, X201i, L512, L420, L520, X220, X220Tablet, L330 Operating system the Microsoft Windows 7 & Windows 8 operating system 32bit & 64bit Version ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT THIS PACKAGE DOES With the most progressive security technologies, ThinkVantage(R) Fingerprint Software enables you to use your fingerprint to protect your computer from being used by unauthorized persons. Features include: - Reliable user authentication based on fingerprint recognition - Boot protection using fingerprints - Easy access to a computer using fingerprints (Logon Protector) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upgrade Note: - If former version + patch already installed, before upgrading to, please do not uninstall patch Otherwise, current version has to be repaired before start to use. - is not backward compatible with older versions such as 5.9.7 or older. If uninstall and install 5.9.7, it can not work. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES IN THIS RELEASE Version [Important updates] CHG: New WBF driver (for Windows 7 and Windows 8) CHG: Changed password encryption implementation CHG: Upgrade from previous versions supported ADD: Add T430u in supporting list [New Functions or Enhancements] CHG: Changed password encryption implementation [Problem(s) fixed] FIX: Minor localization typos (Alt-shortcuts) in TFS (Lenovo #12340) FIX: SSO sometimes failed after POA from shutdown state ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETERMINING WHICH VERSION OF PATCH TARGET IS INSTALLED 1. Launch the Fingerprint Softare program. After being authenticated, the main screen will be displayed. 2. Click About in the menu bar, The version number will be displayed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - Windows 7 or Windows 8 operating system - Latest version of the BIOS - 1.5 GB of free hard disk drive space - 512 MB of memory (recommended) - 8 MB of VRAM (Video Random Access Memory) shared memory set in the BIOS - Upgrade and compatibility: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Device drivers for fingerprint reader are being installed when installing ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software. The following installation options are provided for installing ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software: - Local installation through the set-up wizard - Silent installation - Systems Management Server (SMS) installation After the installation process completes, the computer will restart, and you will be guided through the steps of enrolling your fingerprint. If you intend to use an external fingerprint reader, it is recommended that you disconnect the fingerprint reader before installing ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software. After the computer restarts, you will be prompted to reconnect the external fingerprint reader. You cannot directly upgrade ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software with the same major version. Local installation through the set-up wizard =========================================== You can install ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software through the set-up wizard. It is recommended to read the texts in set-up wizard during the installation process. To install ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software, do the following: 1. Navigate to the folder where you downloaded the executable. 2. Double-click the setup.msi file. The set-up wizard is displayed. 3. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation process. SILENT INSTALLATION =================== Run the setup.msi file under the Install directory on your CD-ROM. Use the following syntax: msiexec.exe /i setup.msi /q Example: msiexec.exe /i setup.msi /q INSTALLDIR="F:\Program Files\ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software" You can specify the following properties: INSTALLDIR Set the installation directory. CTLCNTR 0 = Do not display Control Center on startup; 1 = Display Control Center on startup; The default value is 1. PSLOGON 0 = Disable the fingerprint logon; 1 = Enable the fingerprint logon; The default value is 0. POSSSO 0 = Disable single sign-on; 1 = Enable single sign-on; The default value is 1. SHORTCUT 0 = Disable the display of the shortcut to Control Center; 1 = Enable the display of the shortcut to Control Center; The default value is 0. OTP 0 = Disable the RSA SecurID support feature; 1 = Enable the RSA SecurID support feature. Non-administrator user privileges: ENROLLSELF 0 = Disable the fingeprint enrollment. 1 = Enable the fingerprint enrollment. The default value is 1. DELETESELF 0 = Disable the fingerprint deletion. 1 = Enable the fingerprint deletion. The default value is 1. IMPORTSELF 0 = Disable the fingerprint import or export for non-administrator users. 1 = Enable the fingerprint import/export for non-administrator users. The default value is 1. ENROLLTBX 0 = Disable the selection of fingerprint for power-on. 1 = Enable the selection of fingerprint for power-on. The default value is 1. REVEALPWD 0 = Disable the Windows password recovery. 1 = Enable the Windows password recovery. The default value is 1. Anti-hammering protection (Lockout Settings): LOCKOUT 0 = Disable the anti-hammering protection. 1 = Enable the anti-hammering protection. The default value is 1. LOCKOUTCOUNT Maximum retries. The default value is 5, but you can set any value. LOCKOUTTIME Timeout in milliseconds. The default value is 120 000, and you can use any value up to 360 000. Authentication timeout (Inactivity Settings): GUITMENABLE 0 = Disable the authentication timeout in milliseconds. 1 = Enable the authentication timeout in milliseconds. The default value is 1. GUITMTIME Authentication timeout duration. The default value is 120 000, but you can set any value up to 360 000. PWDLOGON 0 = Disable the fingerprint-only logon for non-administrator users. 1 = Enable the fingerprint-only logon for non-administrator users. The default value is 1. NOPOPPAPCHECK 0 = Do not show the power-on security options. 1 = Always show the power-on security options. The default value is 0. CSS 0 = Assume that Client Security Solution has not been installed. 1 = Assume that Client Security Solution has been installed. The default value is 0. Note: All options are optional. SMS installation ============= Open SMS Administrator Console, create a new package, and set package properties in a standard way. Open the package and select New-Program in the Programs item. At the command line field, type: setup.exe /m yourmiffilename /q /i Optionally, you can type the same parameters used for silent installation. Normally, at the end of the installation process, you are required to restart the computer. If you want to restart your computer later, add REBOOT="ReallySuppress" to the list of properties. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS To uninstall ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software, use the /x parameter instead of /i. During the uninstall process, dialogs for selecting whether to delete existing passports and disable the boot security feature are displayed. In silent uninstall mode, you can use the following parameter: DELPAS Set DELPAS=1 to delete existing passports. If these options are not defined or have any other value, passports are left on the computer and the boot security remains enabled. If you leave the boot security on, you will not be able to edit fingerprints in the boot security memory unless you re-install ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software. Example: msiexec.exe /x setup.msi /q DELPAS="1" uninstalls the ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software, deletes all existing passports, and leaves the boot security on the computer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION INFORMATION The following versions have been released to date. Version Rev. Issue date ------- ---- --------------- 02 2012-11-13 01 2012-09-27 01 2012-08-24 01 2012-06-14 01 2011-09-14 01 2011-04-04 01 2010-05-06 01 2009-10-08 Note: Revision number (Rev.) is for the administrative purpose of this README document and is not related to the software version. There is no need to upgrade this software when the revision number changes. To check the version of the program, refer to the section of Determining which version of the patch should be installed. Summary of changes Where: < > Version number [Important] Important update (New) New function or enhancement (Fix) Correction to existing function <> - [Important updates] CHG: New WBF driver (for Windows 7 and Windows 8) CHG: Changed password encryption implementation CHG: Upgrade from previous versions supported - [New Functions or Enhancements] CHG: Changed password encryption implementation - [Problem(s) fixed] FIX: Minor localization typos (Alt-shortcuts) in TFS (Lenovo #12340) FIX: SSO sometimes failed after POA from shutdown state <> - [Important updates] New WBF driver (for Windows 8) & (for Windows 7) - ADD: New WBF driver for fingerprint devices connected via SPI - ADD: smihlp driver signed for Win8 - CHG: Biometric feedbacks removed from Tutorial [New Functions or Enhancements] - CHG: Fingerprint logon speed improved - CHG: Removed .NET3 check from setup on Win8 [Problem(s) fixed] - PR48498 : NULL_CLASS_PTR_WRITE_c0000005_infql2.dll!Unknown , Hits: 5009 - (FIX): Minor localization typos fixed - (FIX): Control Center window hang fixed - (FIX): Logon does not work when change password dialog is cancelled (14071) - (FIX): Trimmed text in Passsword Manager dialog (13441) - (FIX): SSO sometimes failed after resume via POA (ECR129292) - (FIX): "Always show power-on security options" disappeared from Settings on ThinkCentre systems (13871) - (FIX): default intruder lockout set to 5 attempts (13904) - (FIX): show warning prompt before importing passport also for domain users (14068) - (CHG): Program Folders combo is disabled when Add Program icon is not selected in TFS setup wizard (13745) <> - [Important updates] New WBF driver (ESD recovery improved) <> - [Important updates] Fix BSOD on native UEFI systems - (New) Use SMBIOS to query POP/PAP information if SMBIOS structures are available. - (New) SMI_CMD detection moved to application level. <> - (New) Added the RSA SecurID Token Generator program, and the request set-up parameter OPT. This feature is for the Windows 32-bit operating system; - (New) Updated the shortcut path of Control Center in Control Panel in documentation; - (Fix) Removed the unused Security Tokens features from documentation; - (Fix) Changed the start menu shortcut for Tokencodes Generator in documentation; - (Fix) Put start menu shortcuts for Control Center and Tokencodes Generator in the same folder. <> - (Fix) WinBio service is stopped now, when biometric sensor isn't used. - (Fix) Display correct number of free slots for power-on security now. - (New) Creating of hidden Lenovo ThinkVantage Tools folder during installation - (New) New help menu, splash screen and about page added. - (New): Select start menu folder and possibility to create shortcut added to the installation. <> - (New) (Initial Release) The first version to support Windows 7 system. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCE INFORMATION None ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIMITATIONS Standby problem: The computer can be awakened from standby mode when the user swipes fingerprint, even if the option of Allow this device to bring PC out of standby is not selected. The driver is not able to turn off remote wakeup when remote wakeup is disabled and selective suspend is enabled in the device manager. Both check boxes must be cleared for the correct behavior. Software upgrade: If you upgrade ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software from version 5.5 or its ealier versions, an error message will be displayed. Therefore, you need to uninstall ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software, and then start upgrading. If you upgrade ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software from version 5.5 or its later versions, the message "Cannot find sensor" or "Please log on to enroll your fingerprints" may be displayed. To enable the fingerprint logon feature once again, swipe your fingerprint at least once when either of the message is displayed. Then you can log on the computer with your enrolled fingerprint. Domain Login consideration: The user cannot log in to the Windows Operating System or a domain using fingerprints even though the Use fingerprint scan instead of password when logging into Windows setting is enabled in the fingerprint software. To enable the fingerprint logon feature, user needs to enable the Windows or domain biometric settings in Control Panel Or enable those settings through GPO in domain environement. Please check the following H&T for more information: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRADEMARKS ThinkVantage is trademark of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both. Windows, and Windows Vista are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. LENOVO PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. Lenovo may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, LENOVO GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. (C) Copyright Lenovo 2012. All rights reserved.