ThinkVantage System Update for Microsoft Windows 7,Windows 8 Version 5.02.0007 Installation Readme System Update downloads software, driver and BIOS updates from a Lenovo server directly over the Internet without requiring specific user knowledge of where the package is located or if it is needed by the target system. Other ways in which ThinkVantage Technologies help you keep your system up to date and secure are: - Provides a direct connection to Lenovo Service and Support for ThinkPad and ThinkCentre drivers, software and BIOS updates. - Helps maximize your system performance and minimize security vulnerability. New in 2013-02-04 release ======================= - Fix accessibility issue. - Support 10-digit machine type model. New in 2012-12-18 release ======================= - Support Windows 8 - New GUI style - Other improvements New in 2012-05-11 release ======================= - Support APS detection for Lenovo V/B/K/E Series New in 2012-03-16 release ======================= - Add TVSU Scheduler on windows 7 New in 2012-02-03 release ======================= - Add Support to Lenovo V/B/K/E Series New in 2011-07-25 release ======================= - Fixed the problem that TVSU displays incorrect error message when Lenovo server is down. - Fixed the problem that TVSU is not able to find, download and install the following systems BIOS package: E220s, E420s, E420, E520, L420, L421, L520, T420, T420i, T420s, T420si, T520, T520i, W520, X1, X220, X220i, X220t, X220it. New in 2011-02-18 release ======================= - Add Support for Windows 7 SP1 New in 2009-9-4 release ======================= - This version only supports Windows 7. - TVSU scheduler is removed and Windows built-in Task Scheduler takes its place. New in 2009-07-09 release ======================== - Add TVSU back into system for preload users. New in 2009-06-12 release ======================== - Add the support to Vista (32-bit and 64-bit) with Service Pack 2 New in 2009-05-15 release ======================== - Maintenance update for UTS New in 2008-10-20 release ======================== - In previous versions of System Update, When the user tried to get new updates, sometimes the message similar to "An error occurred while gathering user information." appeared. This problem is corrected in this release. - An unexpected exception error, that was installed on Vista 64-bit system after the update is fixed. New in 2008-8-22 release ======================== - System Update supports the ThinkVantage Gadget application. - System Update supports Windows Vista Service Pack 1 and Windows XP Service Pack 3. - System Update supports different clickable default billboards for the USA, Australia, Japan, and other countries and regions around the world. The billboard for registration, downloading, and installing is disabled. - System Update will not automatically query the Lenovo Support Center servers if System Update is launched by the scheduler and the scheduler mode is set to "Notify." - System Update supports a new database.xml format in Update Retriever 3.0. - This release contains the following corrections: - System Update no longer prompts users to input their name and password when users searched for updates from share folder without credentials. - Corrected a potential security exposure that occurred when users opened Internet Explorer by clicking the System Update billboard. - Corrected a problem caused by a hard-coded System Type, which disabled Active Update and Factory Recovery in the Rescue and Recovery workspace. - Corrected a problem that occured on some ThinkPad models, where System Update incorrectly set the type to ThinkCentre. This caused the ThinkCentre version of the Lenovo Welcome application to be displayed instead of the ThinkPad version. New in 2008-5-15 release ======================== - System Update supports new animated billboard for America, Australia and other world-wide countries. New in 2008-4-29 release ================= - System Update is able to detect if a Service Pack is already installed for Vista, and will not list Microsoft updates that were already installed as part of that Service Pack. - Automatically reorder packages in the installation list to reduce the number of restarts. - In previous versions of System Update, at the start of each update search, if System Update updated itself, the user had to click "Get Updates" again to search for additional updates. In this release, when System Update finishes updating itself, it automatically continues the search for other updates. - System Update no longer creates a temporary folder under C:\ when it updates itself. - In the 2008-1-7 and 2008-3-13 releases, the System Update icon status message incorrectly stated that updates were not available if System Update was configured to get updates from a customer repository instead of Lenovo Support Center and was launched in schedule mode. This problem is corrected in this release. New in 2008-3-13 release ======================== - Resolves a System Update performance issue by resetting the scheduler to retrieve updates from Lenovo servers when requests for updates are not at their peak. If the scheduler is currently set to retrieve updates at 11A.M. on the 1st day of each month, this update uses an algorithm to set the scheduler on each computer to a different day and time. - A defect in the scheduler is fixed. - Corrects the following problems that were introduced in the 2008-1-7 release: - Corrects a registry setting that prevents the user from accessing Active Update in the Rescue and Recovery(R) program, Client Security Solution program, System Migration Assistant program, and Access Connections program. - Corrects a registry setting that prevents the factory recovery feature from being displayed in the Rescue and Recovery workspace. New in 2008-1-7 release ======================= - Scheduler supports policies that are deployed by Active Directory. - A notification icon is displayed when System Update installs updates that will reboot or power off the client machine, from scheduler mode. - System Update displays download file size and required amount of disk space for a package in the pick list. - Active Update is available. Other ThinkVantage Technologies applications can update themselves using System Update. - The User Access Control prompt dialog in Windows Vista is eliminated to improve the user experience. - System Update supports manual installation when automatic installation fails. Supported systems ================= ThinkVantage System Update is supported on the following systems: - Lenovo 3000 C100, C200, N100, N200, V100, V200 - Lenovo 3000 J100, J105, J110, J115, J200, J200p, J205, S200, S200p,S205 - All ThinkPad - All ThinkCentre - All ThinkStation - Lenovo V/B/K/E Series ThinkVantage System Update supports additional systems as content is created for them. Software requirements ===================== The following operating systems are supported: - Microsoft Windows 7 - Microsoft Windows 8 Downloading the package ======================= 1. Click the file links to download the files from the Web page. 2. When prompted, select a drive and directory in which to save the downloaded files. Installing the package ====================== Uninstall any previous version of ThinkVantage System Update or IBM Update Connector that is installed on your system. After you have uninstalled any previous versions do one of the following: Silent installation of System Update ==================================== System Update can be installed in an unattended (silent) mode, which enables you to launch the installation using the default settings. If you want to install System Update in an unattended mode, follow the steps listed below: 1. Open a command prompt (DOS) session. 2. Using DOS commands go to the folder where you saved the file you downloaded from the System Update download page. 3. Launch the silent installation by adding the following parameters to the downloaded filename -s -a /s /v"/qn". For example, systemupdate502-2013-02-04.exe -s -a /s /v"/qn" Then, press Enter. 4. Wait for the installation to finish. 5. Close the command prompt session. Considerations ============== System Update can be installed on Windows 2003. However, the Lenovo Support Center does not support Windows 2003. Therefore, when a user tries to search updates from the Lenovo Support Center, System Update will return nothing but an error number 42, which means the Lenovo Support Center Center does not support the operating system. Trademarks ========== The following terms are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both: Lenovo ThinkCentre ThinkPad ThinkVantage Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Vista are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. LENOVO PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. Lenovo may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, LENOVO GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. (C) Copyright Lenovo 2013. All rights reserved.