CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 11



Minimum System Requirements




Older versions of applications

Corel does not recommend installing CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 11 over an older version. Install to a new folder.

Before installing CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 11

Before you install CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 11, you must close all other applications, including virus detection programs. If other applications are running, they may interfere with the normal installation process. In Windows, open applications are displayed on the taskbar. On the Mac OS, in the Dock, a small, black triangle displays below the icons of open applications.

(Windows) Notes

(Mac OS) Note

Installing CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 11 to a UNIX partition on a Macintosh computer is not supported.

Documentation and Tutorials

Web Browsers

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or higher, and Netscape Navigator 4, are supported for use with the Web features of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 11.


Periodically, it may become necessary to restore the application’s workspace to the default settings. To do this, hold down F8 (Windows) or Shift (Mac OS), and start the application. A dialog box will appear asking if you want to overwrite the current workspace with the factory default. Click Yes. The application will start using the default settings for the currently selected workspace. Note that you will lose any workspace customization that you have done. See the Help for information about creating, using, and customizing multiple workspaces.

Notes for Windows Users

Application presets

Application presets are saved to your user profile folder. In some cases, your user profile folder will be hidden from view in Windows Explorer. If presets are hidden, you can display them by doing the following:

  1. Double-click My Computer on the Desktop, or load Windows Explorer.
  2. Click Tools > Folder options.
    If you are using Windows 98 or earlier, click View > Folder options.
  3. Click the View tab.
  4. Enable the Show hidden files and folders option.
    If you are using Windows 98 or earlier, enable the Show all files option.

File associations

If both CorelDRAW 10 and CorelDRAW 11 are installed on the same system, some file formats may be associated with Corel PHOTO-PAINT 10. To override this, you must change the file associations within the application. Click Tools > Options. In the list of categories, double-click Global, double-click Filters, and click Associate. Enable the check boxes for the file types you want to associate with the application.

Notes for Mac OS Users


Only packaged (Adobe Photoshop 7 compatible) plug-ins are supported.

Bitstream Font Reserve

Bitstream Font Reserve always installs to the Mac OS X partition, even if another partition is selected. You can move the application folder to another partition or folder without affecting the application.


Print Merge

Service Bureau

Windows Issues

Mac OS Issues

Color Management

Importing and Exporting

JPEG 2000 (JP2)

QuickTime (MOV)

To open, import, save, or export to the QuickTime (MOV) and QuickTime VR (QTVR) file formats, QuickTime 5 must be installed.


PostScript Interpreted

Importing with VM size set to 1.0 or 1.1 may cause an Invalid file format error.

Windows XP

Files of some file formats may take a long time to import from a network drive.

FreeHand (FH)

Macromedia Flash (SWF)

Images containing lenses may not export properly to the Macromedia Flash (SWF) file format.

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

Visio (VSD)

Only versions 4 & 5 are supported.

Portable Network Graphics (PNG)

When exporting transparent backgrounds to the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) file format, the background is combined with the image.

Windows 3.x / Windows NT Icon Resource (ICO)

3D Model (3DM)

(Windows) This file format is no longer supported.


When importing DXF files, the Auto-reduce nodes option removes hidden lines caused by multiple views within the file. It does not modify nodes on curve objects.

(Windows) AutoCAD (DXF/DWG)

Adobe Photoshop (PSD)

(Windows) CorelDESIGNER / Micrografx Designer (DSF)

Color palettes

When saving to the CorelDRAW 9 or 10 file formats, tints from the new color palettes are remapped to user inks. This may result in multiple user ink spot colors being defined in the file.

(Windows) Text

(Mac OS) Text

Globalization (Non-native operating system issues)

CorelDRAW 11 and Corel R.A.V.E. 2

Artistic Media Tool

The Artistic Media tool can spray and brush effects, such as transparency, lenses, and drop shadows; however, overlapping several strokes can decrease application performance.


TrueDoc font embedding does not support OpenType fonts; the document will be saved without the fonts.

PANOSE Font Matching

When opening sample files or templates on the Macintosh that have been created in a Windows version of the application, or from content CDs, a PANOSE Font Matching message may appear. There are two possible reasons for this message:

  1. The fonts are not installed. Fonts can be installed from Disc 2 after installation.
  2. Font name differences. Some font name spellings differ for Windows and Macintosh. To specify font equivalents for the Windows and Macintosh platforms, do the following: Click Tools > Options (Windows) or [application name] > Preferences (Mac OS). Double-click Text, click Fonts, and click PANOSE font matching. Click Spellings, and click Add. Choose a Windows font name from the list box, and type the Macintosh equivalent in the Macintosh name box.

Corel R.A.V.E. 2

If you use the Load movie behavior in a movie, the Macromedia Flash preview requires that the main movie and all loaded movies be in the same folder. To preview the Load movie behavior in a movie, instead of clicking File > Flash preview in browser, export the main movie to the Macromedia Flash (SWF) file format, and to the same folder as all loaded movies. In the Flash export dialog box, enable the Display in browser when done check box.


Sound for Web rollover states is not supported in Netscape Navigator.

(Windows) Corel CAPTURE 11

(Windows) CorelTRACE 11

Trial, Academic, and OEM Versions

Not all components are available in our Trial, Academic, and OEM Versions. Unavailable components may include Corel applications, features, and third-party utilities. However, some of these components may still be referred to within the applications and within the documentation.

(Windows) Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications

To use Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications within CorelDRAW 11 and Corel PHOTO-PAINT 11, Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 6.3 must be installed. Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 6.3 is included in the CorelDRAW Graphic Suite 11 Setup under Custom Install options and is installed by default during a Typical or default Custom installation.


After installing CorelDRAW 11, you must leave the CD in the CD drive after rebooting to complete the installation of Visual Basic for Applications.

VBA Programming Guide for CorelDRAW 11

The new VBA Programming Guide for CorelDRAW 11 will help you automate tasks and create custom solutions using VBA in CorelDRAW. If you installed CorelDRAW using the Typical install, or a Custom install that included VBA, then the guide is accessible from a link in the CorelDRAW VBA Help.

VBA Help

The Help for CorelDRAW VBA has been improved. Most of the properties and methods now have code samples to show how to use the property or method.

Updating Macros from CorelDRAW 10 to CorelDRAW 11

To ensure that a macro written for CorelDRAW 10 will work as designed in CorelDRAW 11, you may need to change the name of the class, method, or property, or change parameters for the macro. For more information, see Updating macros from CorelDRAW 10 to CorelDRAW 11 in the CorelDRAW VBA Help.

FindShapes method from Shapes

Shapes.FindShapes is not fully implemented. It still functions with the old parameters.

GMS folder in the User Profile Path

GMS files are normally saved to the GMS folders under the Corel Graphics 11/Draw and Corel Graphics 11/CorelPHOTO-PAINT folders. If the user does not have write access to these folders, the GMS folders will be saved to the user's Draw and CorelPHOTO-PAINT folders.

Shipping Macros

CorelDRAW and Corel PHOTO-PAINT now include additional GMS files. CorelDRAW comes with a FileConverter.gms file and a CalendarWizard.gms file. For more information, please see the CorelDRAW VBA Help for an overview of these macros. Corel PHOTO-PAINT comes with an HTMLSlideShow.gms file, which takes open files in Corel PHOTO-PAINT and converts them to an HTML slide show.

New Text Functions

The text classes in VBA now support multiple languages. Following is an example using double-byte characters:

Sub test()
Dim strVBA As String
Dim strDraw As String
Dim c As String
Dim n As Long
strVBA = "wóääjijôfâÔóâLZó"
strDraw = ""
For n = 1 To Len(strVBA)
c = Mid$(strVBA, n, 1)
strDraw = strDraw & ChrW$(Asc(c))
Next n
ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText 0, 0, strVBA, , cdrCharSetRussian
ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticTextWide 5, 0, strDraw, , cdrCharSetRussian
End Sub

VBA on Windows XP

After installing CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 11 on Windows XP with an Administrator account, you should start VBA with the same account before logging in and starting with a Limited User account. The file, VBE6EXT.OLB, must be registered upon initialization of VBA. The Administrator account can register this file, but a Limited User cannot. If you use a Limited User account without first starting VBA as an Administrator, you can use VBA, but you will receive an error message, "VBE6EXT.OLB could not be loaded."

To get the add-ins to work for a Windows XP Limited User account

Follow the steps below to get add-ins to work for a Limited User account (example is for Corel PHOTO-PAINT):

  1. Log in with Administrator privileges to the system where you want to run the add-in.
  2. Run regsvr32.exe on the add-in. This will add the required class IDs and registry keys that only an Administrator can create.
  3. Run regedit.exe. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Corel/Corel PHOTO-PAINT/11.0/Addins.
  4. Select the key for your add-in (for example, PhotoPaint.Addin1).
  5. From the Registry menu, click Export registry file. Enable the Selected branch option, type a filename in the File name box, and click Save.
  6. Log in to the Limited User account and run regedit.exe.
  7. From the Registry menu, click Import registry file, specify the .reg file that you exported in step 5, and click Open.
    Now you should be able to run the add-in from this Limited User account.
