Painter 7(TM) Read Me Welcome to Painter 7(TM)! We wish you hours of creativity in Painter 7(TM) -- the ultimate Natural-Media(R) painting tool! Serial Number If you are upgrading from a previous version, you need the new Painter 7 serial number and your previous version serial number to start the installation. Please keep both serial numbers in the event that you need to reinstall. Painter 7 Content CD Painter 7 Content CD includes a variety of additional content, including additional brushes, paper textures, gradients, weaves, patterns, photos, color profiles, etc. Please note that not all versions of Painter 7 include a Content CD. Technical Issues Painter 7(TM) Installer 1. Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 (or higher) or Netscape Navigator 4 (or higher) are required to successfully register Painter 7. 2. KPT(R) 5 Filters and Tutorials must be installed into the same folder or directory as Painter 7 Application Files. 3. In Mac OSX if alternative Administrators or Users with Administrator rights are created after Painter 7 is installed, Painter 7 will not launch in these accounts. Each User will have to install their own copy of Painter 7. General 1. In the Brushes folder there is a Ver 4, Ver 5, and Ver 6 folder. These folders contain brush variants from Painter 4, Painter 5, and Painter 6 and are required to run old scripts. It is recommended that you do not modify the contents of these folders. If you wish to use brush variants from Painter 4, Painter 5, or Painter 6, it is recommended that you make and use a copy of these folders first. 2. In the Painter 7 folder there is a Ver 4, Ver 5, and Ver 6 folder. These folders contain paper textures, patterns, nozzles, and image portfolios from Painter 4, Painter 5, and Painter 6 and are required to run old scripts. It is recommended that you do not modify the contents of these folders. If you wish to use contents of these files it is recommended that you make and use a copy of these files first. 3. Moving the Taskbar on Microsoft(R) Windows(R) can cause the palettes to stack on top of each other. Once you move the palettes to the appropriate location, the palettes will remain in that position the next time you launch Painter 7. 4. The NetPainter section of the Objects palette is turned off by default. To turn the NetPainter section of the Objects palette on, do the following i) Click Edit, Preferences, Palettes, Objects. ii) Enable the NetPainter checkbox. 5. The Weaves section of the Art Materials palette is turned off by default. To turn the Weaves section of the Art Materials palette on, do the following: i) Click Edit, Preferences, Palettes, Art Materials. ii) Enable the Weaves checkbox. 6. Effects, Orientation, Rotate occasionally leaves artifacts of the rotated canvas. 7. Windows users using 800x600 screen resolution may experience problems when lists, such as brush category lists, brush variant lists, right-mouse menus, etc., reach two columns. The result is that only one or two items will appear in the respective list. To workaround this issue, do one of the following: a) increase your screen resolution to 1024x768 or b) keep the resolution at 800x600 but change the font size from small fonts to large fonts. 8. Macintosh users may experience issues dragging and dropping from Painter 7 to other applications, such as Adobe Photoshop. This is a CarbonLib issue that should be addressed in future releases of CarbonLib. Brushes 1. Complex brush combinations, specifically large brushes, can cause performance issues. 2. The new Water Color technology is processor intensive. You can see if the brush stroke has finished processing by looking at the drip icon located on the left-hand side of the Water Color Layer entry in the Layers palette. When the brush stroke is processing, the drip is animated. When the brush stroke is complete, the drip remains still. 3. The brush library architecture in Painter 7 has been significantly reworked. Custom libraries you created in previous versions of Painter can be imported by choosing Brush, Import Library from the Brushes palette. The brush library will automatically be converted to the new brush library structure and stored in the Brushes folder in the Painter 7 folder. 4. When using Liquid Ink or Water Color, you should not modify any settings in the Impasto section of the brush controls palette. Data losses may occur, specifically when modifying these settings. Likewise, if you are using Impasto, you should not change the Dab type in the General section of the brush controls palette to Liquid Ink or Water Color. 5. The Adobe Photoshop (.PSD) file format currently does not support using Impasto brushes on layers. It is recommended that you save the layered file as a native Painter 7 (.RIFF) file. If you then wish to save the files as an Adobe Photoshop file, first drop the layers to the canvas. This action will help prevent the loss of data from Impasto layers. Color Management 1. Embedding color profiles only works with Adobe Photoshop (.PSD) files only. There is a discrepancy in the manual with respect to this issue. Please refer to the online Help for the correct information. 2. You must reset your color management options each time you start Painter 7. If you saved the Color Management settings as a preset, you will not have to reset the Color Management settings each time you launch Painter 7. 3. Painter 7 supports using 200 color profiles only. If you copy more than 200 color profiles to the Color Profiles folder, Painter 7 may become unstable. Adobe(R) Photoshop(R) Support 1. Painter 7 does not support clipping paths. If an image created in Adobe Photoshop has clipping paths, the clipping paths will be ignored when opened in Painter 7. 2. Painter 7 supports 8-bit color depth only. When you try to open an Adobe Photoshop image created with 16-bit color depth, you will receive an error message. 3. When using Impasto brushes on layers, it is recommended that you save the layered file as a native Painter 7 (.RIFF) file. Compatibility issues can occur when saving layered Impasto files as Adobe Photoshop (.PSD) files. 4. The Adobe Photoshop (.PSD) file format currently does not support using Impasto brushes on layers. It is recommended that you save the layered file as a native Painter 7 (.RIFF) file. If you then wish to save the files as an Adobe Photoshop file, first drop the layers to the canvas. This action will help prevent the loss of data from Impasto layers. Adobe(R) Illustrator(R) Support 1. Drag and drop is not supported between Adobe(R) Illustrator(R) and Painter 7. 2. Painter 7 does not support Adobe Illustrator 9 files. To open Adobe Illustrator files in Painter 7, save the file as a previous version and then open it in Painter 7. 3. Painter 7 supports exporting to Adobe Illustrator vector objects only. Painter 7 layers are not supported on export to Adobe Illustrator. File Filter Issues 1. On Microsoft Windows, when playing a movie file, if you click anywhere onscreen other than the movie controls in the Frame Stacks Window, the Stop button will no longer function. To reactivate the Stop button, click ESC. 2. Dragging a .MOV file or a .AVI file over the Painter 7 application icon in the dock does not open the file automatically on Mac OS X only. 3. On Mac(R) OS 8.6, the Save As dialog box, provides a Painter RIFF and a RIFF option. Both options save files as a native Painter 7 RIFF file. 4. Encapsulated PostScript files (.EPS) saved with DCS will not open in Adobe Illustrator 9 or CorelDRAW 10 for Macintosh. Printing 1. Painter 7 does not recognize when you switch from a PostScript(R) to a non PostScript printer. 2. If you do not have a printer installed and you try to print, you may receive one or more initialization errors. In addition, if you select Page Setup without having a printer installed, you may receive one or more initialization errors. 3. Print to file can cause a crash with HPDeskjet 890C printers on Windows 98. KPT(R) 5 Filters 1. The KPT 5 filters that are included in Painter 7 have been carbonized. As a result, these filters can only be used in an carbonized host application. If you try to use the filters in a non carbonized host application, you will get an error message. 2. KPT 5 Help files are installed in the following location: Painter 7\Plugins\KPT 5\metaos\User Guide. In order to view the KPT 5 Help files, you must browse to this location on your computer and open the .PDF files. Online Help 1. In order to view the Online Help, you must have the following installed on your computer: Macintosh Users: Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 (or higher) or Netscape(r) 4.5 (or higher) Microsoft Windows Users: Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 (or higher) or Netscape(r) 4 (or higher) 2. Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.1 preview release freezes when you try to collapse a Help topic on Mac OS X only. This is a limitation of third-party software. 3. In order to view the Tutorials in Mac OS 8.6, you must open the files directly from the Tutorials folder. This is a limitation of third-party software. 4. Macintosh users running Mac OS 9.0.4 or lower require the latest version of Macintosh Runtime Java (MRJ). Without the latest version, the Help topics load incorrectly. 5. Microsoft Windows users using Microsoft Internet Explorer must have Microsoft Virtual Machine installed in order to view the online Help. Registration In Mac OS X, the registration will launch Classic Mode. In order to register Painter 7 on OS X you must do so through Classic Mode. Adobe(R) Acrobat(R) Reader 5 Adobe(R) Acrobat(R) Reader is required to view the tutorials and the KPT 5 Help files. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed, you can install it from Painter 7 CD 2. In order to install Adobe Acrobat Reader 5 successfully, you must copy the Adobe Acrobat Reader Installer to your computer. You cannot run the Adobe Acrobat Installer directly from CD 2. In addition, you must have an internet connection in order to install Adobe Acrobat Reader 5 successfully. QuickTime(TM) 5 In order to view Movie files (.MOV), you must have QuickTime(TM) 5 installed on your computer. If you require QuickTime 5, you can install it from Painter 7 CD 2. In order to install QuickTIme 5 successfully, you must have internet access. _____________ Copyright (c) 2001 Corel Corporation and Corel Corporation Limited. All rights reserved. Painter 7(TM) This software is the property of Corel Corporation and Corel Corporation Limited and is protected by copyright. Any reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Corel, KPT, Natural-Media, Painter 7, procreate and the procreate logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Corel Corporation or Corel Corporation Limited in Canada, the United States and/or other countries. PANTONE Computer Video simulations displayed may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE , PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM , PANTONE Process Color System , PANTONE CALIBRATED , PANTONE Hexachrome , Hexachrome and other Pantone, Inc. trademarks are the property of Pantone, Inc. Adobe, Acrobat, Illustrator and Photoshop are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Kodak Digital Science Hexachrome Transforms copyright (c) 1996 Eastman Kodak Company. Kodak Digital Science ICC API copyright (c) 1995-1997 Eastman Kodak Company. Kodak Digital Science Photo CD Access Developer's Toolkit copyright (c) 1991-1996 Eastman Kodak Company. Mac2Win in a trademark of Altura Software, Inc. QuickTime is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. All other brand and product names, fonts, and company names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Not all of the above-referenced components are included in all versions of the software.