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To automatically add recipients to Contacts in Outlook using VBA
One thing that Outlook 2002 cannot do by itself is automatically create
new entries in Contacts for people you send messages to. This is a
feature missed by Outlook 2000 Internet Mail Only users, who had an
"Automatically put people I reply to in " option.
This VBA <../vb.htm> code sample by Sue Mosher
provides a
way to add recipients automatically. To avoid the Outlook security
prompts <../sec.htm>, it uses the Redemption
library, which provides a wrapper
for Extended MAPI that does not trigger the Outlook security prompts.
You can download the free version of Redemption for personal use. Use
*Tools | References *in VBA to add a reference to the SafeOutlookLibrary
for your project.
The Application_Item send procedure must be in the built-in
ThisOutlookSession module, but the other two procedures can be in any
Outlook VBA module. (Press Alt+F11 to open the VBA window.)
Code Sample
' sample application by Sue Mosher ' send questions/comments to
webmaster@outlookcode.com ' The Application_ItemSend procedure must go
in the ' built-in ThisOutlookSession session module in Outlook VBA
Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, _ Cancel As
Boolean) Item.Categories = "" If Item.Class = olMail Then Call
AddRecipToContacts(Item) End If End Sub ' This procedure can go in any
module Sub AddRecipToContacts(objMail As MailItem) Dim strFind As String
Dim strAddress As String Dim objSMail As Redemption.SafeMailItem Dim
objSRecip As Redemption.SafeRecipient Dim objNS As NameSpace Dim
colContacts As Items Dim objContact As ContactItem Dim i As Integer '
process message recipients Set objSMail =
CreateObject("Redemption.SafeMailItem") objMail.Save objSMail.Item =
objMail Set objNS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI") Set colContacts =
objNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts).Items For Each objSRecip In
objSMail.Recipients ' check to see if the recip is already in Contacts
strAddress = objSRecip.Address For i = 1 To 3 strFind = "[Email" & i &
"Address] = " & _ AddQuote(strAddress) Set objContact =
colContacts.Find(strFind) If Not objContact Is Nothing Then Exit For End
If Next ' if not, add it If objContact Is Nothing Then Set objContact =
Application.CreateItem(olContactItem) With objContact .FullName =
objSRecip.Name .Email1Address = strAddress .Save End With End If Set
objContact = Nothing Next Set objSMail = Nothing Set objSRecip = Nothing
Set objNS = Nothing Set colContacts = Nothing End Sub ' helper function
- put in any module Function AddQuote(MyText) As String AddQuote =
Chr(34) & MyText & Chr(34) End Function Back to Top <#top>
More Information
* To add addresses to Microsoft Outlook Contacts automatically
-- methods for
earlier versions
* VB and VBA in Microsoft Outlook <../vb.htm> -- basics for VBA novices
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