Blue HttpMail Proxy Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Josh Harler Version 0.5.1 Install.win32 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents -------- Compiling Installing Setup Running Uninstalling ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Compiling --------- If you downloaded the source, please see Compiling.win32. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Installing ---------- To install Blue HttpMail Proxy, open a command prompt and run the following command line: >HttpMailProxy --service-install That installs the service. The service is configured to run automatically, but it does not start when it is first installed. You should configure Blue HttpMail Proxy before you start the service. See the Configuring section below for information regarding this. To start the service, use the following command line: >HttpMailProxy --service-start Blue HttpMail Proxy does not have to run as a service. It can also run as a normal command line application. To do this, simply run the HttpMailProxy executable from a command prompt with the neccessary command line parameters. For information on what parameters are supported, use the "--help" parameter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Setup ----- Blue HttpMail Proxy uses an XML configuration file to determine what proxies to run. Here is an example configuration: -- begin config file -- 9876 1 read unread 143 10 -- end config file -- Each proxy you wish to run must have its own profile. The information contained within each profile is dependant on the type of the proxy. Shared Configuration -------------------- The following tags are used in all of the profile types: port This specified what TCP port the proxy should listen on max-connections The specifies how many simultaneous connections the proxy should allow. ip-rules This tag is made up of allow and deny tags that specify whether certain IP addresses are allowed or not. client/input-timeout This tag is used to indicate how long the proxy should wait for client input before disconnecting. This is in minutes. log There are two possible log types: proxy and http. Logging 'proxy' logs the communication between the proxy and the email client. Logging 'http' logs the communication between the proxy and the HTTPMail server. POP Proxy --------- The profile tag of a POP proxy contains the following unique tags: client/message-filter This tag is used to determine if the POP proxy shows only unread messages, read messages, or both. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Running ------- The HttpMailProxy application can be run with the profiles that it is to load given on the command line. To run the application using the "pop.localonly" profile shown in the sample above, the command line would look like this: HttpMailProxy.exe pop.localonly That will load the 'pop.localonly' profile only. If no profiles are specified, the proxy will load all the profiles listed in the tag in the configuration file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninstalling ------------ To uninstall Blue HttpMail Proxy, open a command prompt and run the following command lines: >HttpMailProxy --service-stop >HttpMailProxy --service-uninstall Once the service has been uninstalled, you can delete the directory where Blue HttpMail Proxy is installed in.