Blue HttpMail Proxy Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Josh Harler Version 0.5.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents -------- Summary Authors Documentation Dependencies Reporting Bugs/Requesting Features License More Info ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary ------- Blue HttpMail Proxy is an application that acts as an email server that provides access to email accounts on an HTTPMail server. Email clients can connect to Blue HttpMail Proxy as if it were any other email server. Currently, POP and IMAP access is provided. Eventually SMTP access will be available as well. Blue HttpMail makes use of the Blue - General Purpose C++ Library and several of its extensions. See the dependencies list below and visit the Blue website at Please visit the Blue HttpMail Proxy website for more information: or visit the sourceforge project page at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors ------- Blue HttpMail Proxy developed by: Josh Harler ( Main designer/developer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation ------------- The source code to this application is commented in such a way that the comments can be extracted and full documentation can be created via the application doxygen ( The complete documentation is offered as a separate download or can be generated from the doxygen file located in the Docs directory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dependencies ---------------------------------- Beyond the core Blue library, this application requires: Blue Xml Extension ( Blue Http Extension ( Blue HttpMail Extension ( Blue Email Extension ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reporting Bugs/Requesting Features ---------------------------------- Bugs and/or feature requests can be made in several ways. The best way is to join the discussions in the forums on the sourceforge project page. You can also email me and let me know what you would like. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- License ------- Blue HttpMail Proxy is licensed under the same license as the Blue library and its extensions. Blue and all extensions are licensed under the zlib license. See the License file for the entire license text. Basically, you can use Blue and the extensions for any application, just don't claim that you wrote Blue or the extensions (unless you did). Although it's not required by the license, if you make any changes to Blue or any extension, it would be appreciated if you would send those changes in as a contribution in order to make Blue a better library for everybody. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- More Info --------- For more documentation, see the Docs directory under the main installation directory. For even more information, please visit the Blue HttpMail Proxy website at: Also, be sure to check out Blue at: