* * * * * * Beta6 (tag: jdom_1_0_b6) to Beta7 (tag: jdom_1_0_b7) * * * * * *
Added JDOMSource and JDOMResult to the org.jdom.transform package. These
support XSLT transforms using the JAXP TRaX model. Added Crimson, JAXP, and
Xalan JARs to the lib directory to support the transform functionality.
Added org.jdom.EntityRef to replace org.jdom.Entity. Changed methods taking
Entity to take EntityRef.
Made org.jdom.input.SAXHandler a public class. It used to be package
protected. This is helpful to classes that want to build JDOM from a SAX
source, such as JDOMResult.
Added org.jdom.input.JDOMFactory/DefaultJDOMFactory to support the builder
factory model.
Added org.jdom.adapters.JAXPDOMAdapter to contain all the logic for
interacting with JAXP. Most people will never use this class.
Added org.jdom.Text to the repository. It's not yet used.
Added a new detach() method to each of the classes Attribute, Comment,
Element, EntityRef, and ProcessingInstruction. It removes the node from its
Added setName(String) and setNamespace(Namespace) to Element and Attribute.
Added elt.setAttribute() method, to replace elt.addAttribute(). It replaces
any existing attribute by the same name, instead of throwing an exception as
addAttribute() did.
Added elt.getContent() and elt.setContent() methods, to replace
elt.getMixedContent() and elt.setMixedContent(). Did the same on Document.
Added SAXBuilder.setExpandEntitities(boolean) method to indicate if entities
should be expanded, or if EntityRef objects should appear within the document.
Added two new Document constructors to support constructing with a list of
Document(List, DocType)
Added elt.removeNamespaceDeclaration(Namespace). It removes a namespace
declaration, the counterpart to addNamespaceDeclaration(Namespace).
Added a new constructor in IllegalAddException to account for a Namespace
illegally added:
IllegalAddException(Element base, Namespace added, String reason)
Added getDocument() method to DocType. Added a protected setDocument() method
Added setFactory() method to SAXBuilder/DOMBuilder to support the factory
build model.
Added elt.getTextNormalize() to return a normalized string (external
whitespace trimmed, internal whitespace reduced to a single space). The
getTextTrim() method now does a true trim.
Added a SAXBuilder.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace(boolean) method with
behavior that matches the method by the same name in JAXP's
DocumentBuilderFactory. Setting the value to true causes
ignorableWhitespace() to operate like a no-op. By default its value is false.
Added getCause() to JDOMException, replacing getRootCause(). This new name
matches JDK 1.4.
Added setOmitDeclaration on XMLOutputter, replacing the now-deprecated
Added elt.removeContent(CDATA) which was previously overlooked.
Added protected methods in SAXBuilder to make it easier to extend:
protected XMLReader createParser()
protected SAXHandler createContentHandler()
protected void configureContentHandler(SAXHandler)
Added getDocument() method to Attribute.
DOMAdapter methods now may throw Exception instead of IOException. DOMBuilder
and DOMOutputter have the same API as always.
Changed XMLOutputter's protected printXXX() methods to have a new signature
without the "int indentLevel" final parameter. Didn't bother with
Changed XMLOutputter's printEntity() method to printEntityRef().
Made SAXBuilder's build(InputSource) method public. It used to be protected.
Removed org.jdom.Entity; it's replaced by EntityRef.
Removed various methods that were previously deprecated in beta6:
Namespace.getNamespace(String prefix, Element context)
Removed Document's protected rootElement variable.
Deprecated constructor Attribute(String name, String prefix, String uri,
String value). Its parameter order was non-standard and it was not a useful
Deprecated XMLOutputter's setIndentLevel() method. Having a global indent is
better done with a stacked FilterOutputStream. The method is now empty.
Deprecated XMLOutputter's setPadText() method. It's not needed with the
current output mechanism. The method is now empty.
Deprecated Element's getCopy(String) and getCopy(String, Namespace). These
can better be done now with a clone() and setName()/setNamespace().
Deprecated elt.addAttribute(). It's replaced by elt.setAttribute().
Deprecated getMixedContent() and setMixedContent() on Element and Document.
They're replaced by getContent() and setContent() versions.
Deprecated getSerializedForm() methods on all objects, and moved the logic
into XMLOutputter.
Deprecated the various xxxProcessingInstruction() methods in Document:
List getProcessingInstructions()
List getProcessingInstructions(String target)
ProcessingInstruction getProcessingInstruction(String target)
boolean removeProcessingInstruction(String target)
boolean removeProcessingInstructions(String target)
Document setProcessingInstructions(List pis)
Deprecated the SAXHandler constructor SAXHandler(Document document) since now
the handler constructs the document itself.
Deprecated elt.hasMixedContent() because it's of little use and its behavior
isn't well defined.
Deprecated getRootCause() on JDOMException in favor of getCause(). This new
name matches JDK 1.4.
Deprecated XMLOutputter's setSuppressDeclaration() in favor of
setOmitDeclaration() to better match setOmitEncoding().
Deprecated elt.addAttribute(String name, String prefix, String value).
Instead, setAttribute() should be used.
Clarified and improved many, many javadocs.
Performance enhancement for files with namespaces. This improves build times
on one test from 13000ms to 580ms.
Added support for the DOM DocumentType object when constructing documents
using DOMOutputter.
Added a check that only one element is allowed in the document list as the
Added informational XML files in the jdom.jar META-INF directory storing
things like the version, credits, description, etc. These can be accessed
with a "java -jar jdom.jar" command which uses JDOM to read the info about
Added JDOM version info to the MANIFEST.MF so servlets and such can depend on
it using http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/guide/extensions/versioning.html
Made elt.setMixedContent() check object types and parentage, and set
For the JDK 1.1 build, added a replace target so @throws is replaced by
@exception, which is the old JDK 1.1 javadoc keyword.
Improved XMLOutputter internals so it no longer uses list.get(i) and instead
uses an Iterator. Should lighten the burden on outputting large documents.
Added CVS $Id: CHANGES.txt,v 1.4 2001/06/28 00:30:17 jhunter Exp $ variable to the top of each file for better tracking.
Changed pi.getValue("nonexistant") to return null instead of "". Also made it
so that any parse error aborts and clears the parse results.
Created a new implementations of clone() without any constructor calls.
Revamped XMLOutputter's output logic to better match expectations.
Changed XMLOutputter flushing logic so output() methods handle their own
flush() at the end of writing so user flush() calls should no longer be
Made elt.setMixedContent() and doc.setMixedContent() appear atomic, even in
case of failure.
Optimized attr.getQualifiedName() implementation for speed.
Added logic to setAttribute() to ensure well-formedness by verifying the
attribute namespace prefix doesn't collide with an existing prefix on that
element (either on the element's own ns, an additional ns, or another
attribute's ns).
Added logic to addNamespaceDeclaration() to ensure the prefix doesn't collide
with an existing prefix on the element.
Changed DocType.equals() to check for equivalency and not reference equality.
Now two DocTypes are equals() if their constituent strings are equals(). This
makes general sense because if you want to compare the doctypes of two docs
you want to do an equivalency check.
Added a private CVS_ID variable to the core classes containing RCS variables.
This allows you to examine the compiled class to determine the source from
which it was compiled. See jdom-contrib's Ident.java.
Performance optimization in setAttribute() so that removeAttribute() on a
pre-existing attribute is only called when necessary, as determined by an
earlier scan through the attributes. This was submitted by Phil Nelson who
says it gave an 8% time savings during a fresh build.
Integrated the factory model for SAXBuilder. See the new classes
DefaultJDOMFactory and JDOMFactory.
Changed Element.getTextTrim() behavior to truly be only a trim(). It used to
do normalization.
Changed Document and Element internal LinkedList implementation to ArrayList.
This change of list gives us a remarkable reduction in memory sizes for all
large documents tested, and gives a speed boost too.
Changed Element parentage so only one variable is used for the parent. It may
be of type Element or Document depending on where the elt is placed in the
tree. This saves one instance variable's worth of memory for each element in
the tree.
Added a new line after the DocType always, for better formatting.
Made the SAXHandler smart enough to ignore xmlns attributes. They shouldn't
appear when SAXHandler is used with SAXBuilder but sometimes appear with
driven by a different parser, such as with JDOMResult.
Made note that elt.getAdditionalNamespaces() returns an unmodifiable list, and
made the implementation enforce the rule. This change allows
Namespace.equals() to be implemented to compare URIs instead of resorting to
==, and more importantly it avoids having XMLOutputter trigger a new List
object creation for every element with an empty additional namespace list
(which is 99.9% of elements).
Refactored SAXBuilder to make it easier to extend.
* The parser is created in a separate createParser() method, and
configured in a separate configureParser() method.
* The content handler is created in a separate createContentHandler()
method, and configured in a separate configureContentHandler() method.
Improved builder exception handling to if anything in the build process throws
a JDOMException, we no longer wrap it in another JDOMException; we just
rethrow as-is.
Made XMLOutputter expose its NamespaceStack using an inner class, so
subclassers could have access to the stack.
Fixed bug where Element.clone() didn't copy over PIs.
Made DOMOutputter check if there was a pre-existing root element on a new
document, and if so call replaceChild() instead of appendChild(). This is
necessary for Xerces 1.3 where new documents are created with a default
Fixed a bug where Attr output(Attribute) wasn't using JAXP.
Improved the logic by which ProcessingInstruction parses attribute-style
values. The old logic was confused by whitespace, nested quotes, etc.
Added sanity check in DOMBuilder to ignores null NodeList and Node entries.
Per the DOM2 spec neither should ever be null, but that doesn't mean some DOM
implementations don't return null.
Fixed bug in Namespace.getNamespace() where the lookup for a pre-existing
identical namespaces would fail even if there was a pre-existing identical
namespace. This caused new Namespaces to be created on all
Namespace.getNamespace() calls!
Fixed bug where elt.clone() would concatenate adjacent strings.
Fixed bug in elt.hasChildren() where the logic could be confused if there was
a subclass of Element in the tree.
Fixed the Javadoc on Element.getAdditionalNamespaces() to say it returns an
empty list if empty. It used to say null. Empty is consistent with JDOM
Fixed bug where adding a null to a setMixedContent() method would cause an NPE
while constructing the error message.
Fixed bug in SAXHandler where namespaces weren't being removed from the
available list, causing memory bloat.
Fixed DOMBuilder so it works better on non-namespace-aware documents. Now if
getLocalName() returns null we look for a specific tagname/attname.
Added ignorableWhitespace() method to SAXHandler to capture ignorable
whitespace. It can be turned off with
Changed Namespace.equals() to check equivalency based only on URI. It used to
be both URI and prefix. This new behavior is more in line with standard XML.
It's unlikely but possible that existing code might break because of this, if
any code puts Namespace objects into a collection and doesn't expect
namespaces with different prefixes to be treated identically. No deprecation
is possible though. Also fixed behavior of Namespace.hashCode() to depend
solely on the URI.
Fixed bug where DOMOutputter creates nodes with "" as their
node.getNamespaceURI() even if the node is not in a namespace.
Changed attribute value escaping to not escape single-quotes because it's not
necessary as attribute values are always surrounded by double-quotes.
Made sure XMLOutputter doesn't print the newline after the decl if the decl is
Fixed SAXOutputter to declare namespaces using start/endPrefixMapping methods.
Also added optional ability for SAXOutputter to report namespace declarations
(the xmlns: attributes) if setReportNamespaceDeclarations() is true.
Fixed performance bug where namespaces were continuously being added to the
availableNamespaces list unnecessarily, causing roughly as many entries to be
added as there were elements with namespaces. In simple testing, memory usage
for representing a namespace-intensive file went from 1.4 Megs to 460K.
Fixed addFirst() and addLast() in PartialList to work correctly.
Fixed a bug in PartialList where addAll() added *before* the last element
instead of after.
Made PartialList's addAll() method work OK if the backing list is non-empty
while the PartialList is empty.
Fixed build scripts to work OK on Windows with spaces in directory paths.
Added new *searchable* mailing list archives at
* * * * * * * * * * Beta5 to Beta6 * * * * * * * * * *
Added new class org.jdom.input.BuilderErrorHandler as a default error handler
for JDOM builders. It ignores warnings but throws on errors and fatal errors.
Added a Crimson adapter CrimsonDOMAdapter.java, to support the parser slated
to come with JAXP 1.1.
Added parentage for Attribute, Comment, Element, Entity, and PI! They all now
have getParent() methods. All but Attribute have getDocument() methods also.
The addContent() and addAttribute() methods now check parentage and don't
allow an item to be added if it's already held by another.
Added to Element the method Namespace getNamespace(String prefix). It returns
the Namespace in scope with the given prefix. It helps with attributes whose
values include namespaces, like .
Added DOMBuilder.setValidation(boolean) to set the validate flag after
construction, to match SAXBuilder.
Added DOMOutputter.output(Attribute) methods.
Added XMLOutputter.setExpandEmptyElements() to choose between and
Many new XMLOutputter methods for outputting document fragments.
SAXBuilder now has a setXMLFilter() method to allow setting of XMLFilter
objects to operate during the build.
Added to Element a hasChildren() method.
Added various removeContent() methods on Element. They were deprecated and
scheduled for removal, but they're now being kept.
Added various removeContent() methods on Document. These are brand new.
Made clone() methods no longer final.
Made toString() methods no longer final.
Changed all outputter output() signatures to throw JDOMException in case of
Changed DOMAdapter signature so getDocument(String filename, ...) is now
getDocument(File filename, ...) to match the standard builder model. I did
not do a deprecation because no one should be using this internal API
directly, and if they are, I want to hear from them.
Removed all methods marked deprecated in beta5.
Marked Namespace.getNamespace(String prefix, Element context) deprecated
because it had been replaced by the more elegant elt.getNamespace(String
Marked Document.addContent(Element) deprecated because there can be only one
element and it's properly set with setMixedContent().
Marked CDATA.setText() as deprecated. This is because CDATA doesn't have
parentage, and without parentage an object should be immutable.
Added JAXP 1.1 support to SAXBuilder, DOMBuilder, and DOMOutputter. The
default parser for all these is now the JAXP parser, with a fallback of Xerces
if JAXP isn't available.
Added improved Verifier checks of well-formedness throughout all of JDOM.
Among the most likely to be noticed:
- Added Verifier detection of wrongly places "xmlns" attributes.
- Added check in Attribute that a namespace with "" prefix must be
- Added Verifier checks so CDATA text cannot contain ">>]"
Upgraded provided parser to Xerces 1.2.
Improved SAXBuilder and DOMBuilder to be *much* smarter about namespaces.
Most likely to be noticed:
- DOMBuilder now keeps xmlns namespaces declaration location, and it now
relies on the parser to handle namespaces (necessary for importing a
document that has nodes moved around).
Made SAXBuilder and DOMBuilder much more specific on error reporting.
Brought DOMOutputter up to DOM Level 2 compliance.
- Added logic to DOMOutputter to add xmlns attributes to the DOM tree
where appropriate.
Added SAXOutputter to generate SAX events.
Improved documentation on clone() methods.
Changed XMLOutputter.escape*Entities() to protected from private to help
Improved removeContent() to solve a Crimson performance problem regarding
duplicate string entries.
Added logic to prevent an element from being added as a child or descendent of
Optimized SAXBuilder list handling so retrievals and removes will most likely
hit on their first try instead of their last try.
Added Namespace output to Element.toString() to help debugging element
namespace issues.
Improved the Verifier.isXML*() methods to operate much faster.
XMLOutputter now prints new lines after the declaration, even if newlines are
turned off for the rest of the document.
Made PI's getSerializedForm() smarter about spacing between target and data.
Now if there is no data, there's no space added.
Guarantee XMLOutputter prints a new line at the end of each document, for
better formatting, esp when printing to System.out.
Put samples in the "samples" package.
Fixed bug in XMLOutputter where "additional namespace" declarations would be
output even if they were already declared by an ancestor.
Fixed bug where an element not in any namespace will still inherit the default
namespace from an ancestor.
Added fix to recognize implicit "xml" namespace during
Namespace.getNamespace() call.
Added fix so XMLOutputter no longer outputs XML_NAMESPACE.
Fixed Element.getDocument() behavior to work reliably.
Fixed Verifier to not see "xmlnsfoo" attributes as invalid.
Fixed Verifier to allow attribute names xml:lang and xml:space as special
Improved all adapters to throw exceptions on error instead of printing stack
Fixed Element.clone() to be a true deep copy.
Fixed bug in SAXBuilder that would throw an EmptyStackException if a PI
appeared after the root element.
Fixed bug in doc.setMixedContent(List) so it now stores the new data
Made removeChildren() properly set parents to null, and to return true only if
children were actually deleted.
Changed SAXBuilder's endPrefixMapping(String, String) to be
endPrefixMapping(String) as it should have been so we now get the callback and
can remove namespaces.
Fixed PartialList.addAll() to behave as specified.