In the article "
Understanding the Nuances of Delegates in C#,"
by Satya Komatineni, the concept of delegates and their general pattern
of usage in C# was introduced. This article takes the subject further
and looks at another feature of delegates--the built-in ability to
perform tasks asynchronously by handing off work to the system thread
pool. To understand exactly how delegates perform their async magic, an
understanding of how the system thread pool works is first required.
For each process in which it is loaded, the CLR manages a thread pool.
This thread pool consists of a queue to which pieces of work are added,
and a pool of threads that service the queue (by dequeuing the pieces
of work). The thread pool is exposed to the world via the System.Threading.ThreadPool
The number of threads in the pool is not fixed but gradually grows and shrinks,
according to certain heuristics. Initially at 0, the pool grows as the number of concurrent,
outstanding pieces of work grows. As threads stand idle, they
may be removed from the pool. The pool is capped at 25 threads and this figure
is not alterable from managed code. Applications hosting the CLR can change it
via the .NET unmanaged API. For example, the maxWorkerThreads
in the processModel
element in machine.config specifies the
maximum size of the thread pool in the ASP.NET worker process.
Thread pool threads have a number of specific characteristics:
property of a thread) should not be altered for the same reason as the
priority. System.Threading.Thread
class. However, the thread pool itself
is not the focus of this article; rather, how delegates can be leveraged to have
work processed by the thread pool is.
So what happens when a delegate type if declared? Consider the following delegate declaration.
Code Example 1
delegate long CalcNthPrimeNumber( int N );
This can be used for invoking methods that calculate a specific prime number (this can be a very lengthy calculation): The C# compiler generates code equivalent to the following:
Code Example 2
class CalcNthPrimeNumber : System.MulticastDelegate
// ctor omitted
// Used in synchronous execution
public long Invoke( int N );
// Async execution methods
public IAsyncResult BeginInvoke( int N,
AsyncCallback callback,
object asyncState );
public long EndInvoke( IAsyncResult ar );
is the method that the compiler calls during standard
synchronous execution. However, the interesting methods for this discussion are
and EndInvoke
. BeginInvoke
always return an IAsyncResult
and will always have its last two
parameters as an AsyncCallback
delegate and a System.Object
will always have as its last parameter an IAsyncResult
The rest of the signatures of these two methods are dependent on the signature
of the delegate in question. BeginInvoke
always takes any
parameters passed by value (unadorned) or reference (ref
) before
the callback delegate. EndInvoke
always has the same return type
as the delegate signature, and also has any ref
or out
parameters before the IAsyncResult
There are four patterns in async delegate execution: Polling, Waiting for
Completion, Completion Notification, and "Fire and Forget". Before explaining the
patterns, however, there is one caveat about async delegate execution. You
cannot execute a multicast delegate (one that calls more than one client)
asynchronously. Each client must be called asynchronously in turn by processing
the stored list of clients, the Invocation List. Failing to do this
results in an ArgumentException
being thrown. Processing the
Invocation List turns out to be a far from onerous task--below is example
Code Example 3
CalcNthPrimeNumber c;
// Code omitted when numerous clients
// are hooked up to the delegate
if( c != null )
foreach( CalcNthPrimeNumber cpn in c.GetInvocationList())
// Now call each cpn asynchronously
Spawning a method onto a worker thread is achieved by calling BeginInvoke
on a delegate that wraps the method. This tells the delegate to queue the
method invocation onto the Thread Pool. BeginInvoke
takes all
unadorned and ref
parameters, as well as an optional AsyncCallback
and System.Object
(both of which will be explained later).
Once a method has been given to a worker thread, the thread that instigated the async call carries on with its own work. Given this, how does it find out what the async method returned?
Retrieving results is a simple operation; all that is required is a call to EndInvoke
However, there is an issue: if the async method has not completed, EndInvoke
will block until it completes. This may be the required behavior--that the
caller gets on with other work and then calls EndInvoke
when the
results are needed. However, what if the caller can usefully get on with work
until the async call has completed? Calling EndInvoke
before the
call is complete means the thread is blocked where it could still be carrying
out useful work. Also, what if the caller wanted to be able to timeout the wait
after a specified period, that the background task had been too lengthy? EndInvoke
blocks until the async method completes--an indeterminate point in time.
We saw in Code Example 2 that BeginInvoke
returns an IAsyncResult
reference. The semantics of EndInvoke
require that it must be
passed an IAsyncResult
reference that matches that returned by the
corresponding BeginInvoke
. This is because the asynchronous call
is represented by a call object that the IAsyncResult
To find out whether a call has completed, we can talk to the call object
representing the async call. Let's look at the definition of IAsyncResult
Code Example 4
public interface IAsyncResult
object AsyncState{ get; }
WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle { get; }
bool CompletedSynchronously { get; }
bool IsCompleted { get; }
As can be seen, one of the members of IAsyncResult
has been
highlighted. IsCompleted
returns true
when the asynchronous is
complete; until that time it returns false
. IsCompleted
therefore, be used to assess whether the long-running calculation is finished.
In Code Sample 5, the 672nd prime number is being requested and the calculation
will be performed on a thread pool thread. The main thread then polls until the
calculation is complete.
Code Example 5
void SpawnPrimeNumberCalc(int N)
CalcNthPrimeNumber cpn =
new CalcNthPrimeNumber(CalculatePi);
IAsyncResult ar = cpn.BeginInvoke( 672,
null );
// Do some stuff
while( !ar.IsCompleted )
// Do some stuff
// we now know that the call is
// complete as IsCompleted has
// returned true
long primeNumber = cpn.EndInvoke(ar);
void CalculatePi(int n)
// calculate the prime number specified by n
As stated before, EndInvoke
is a blocking operation. The calling
thread will not continue until the async call has completed. However, what if
instead of calculating the Nth prime number locally, the target method were to
invoke a web service to perform the calculation? This could involve a network
hop (which could have timeouts in the order of minutes, in the case of network
failure). It may be preferable to be able to enforce a more user-friendly
timeout, say, twenty seconds. Through the use of timers and IAsyncResult.IsCompleted
this could be achieved, but it is not necessarily the most efficient way of
doing it. Let's have another look at IAsyncResult
Code Example 6
public interface IAsyncResult
object AsyncState{ get; }
WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle { get; }
bool CompletedSynchronously { get; }
bool IsCompleted { get; }
This time another of the properties of IAsyncResult
has been
highlighted: AsyncWaitHandle
. This property returns a WaitHandle
--an object that can be waited on using the WaitHandle.WaitOne
which takes a timeout as a parameter. It is, therefore, possible to spawn the
async call on to another thread and then wait for it to complete--but then
timeout the call if it carries on too long. The code in Code Sample 7
demonstrates this pattern:
Code Example 7
void SpawnPrimeNumberCalc(int N)
CalcNthPrimeNumber cpn = new CalcNthPrimeNumber(CalculatePi);
IAsyncResult ar = cpn.BeginInvoke( 672, null, null );
// Do some stuff
if( ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne( 20000, true ))
long primeNumber = cpn.EndInvoke(ar);
Console.WriteLine( "672nd Prime Number is: {0}", primeNumber );
Console.WriteLine( "Timed out calculating prime number");
void CalculatePi(int n)
// calculate the prime number specified by using
// a web service
The highlighted code waits for 20 seconds for the method to return; if it doesn't return in that time, a message to that effect is printed out to the console window. The final facility allows for the calling thread to be completed disengaged from collecting the values returned from an async call. Instead, we can request to be notified when the call completes.
So far, the last two parameters of BeginInvoke
have been passed as
: the AsyncCallback
delegate and the System.Object
for the async state. These two parameters are used to provide a callback
mechanism that will be invoked when the call completes. This is the definition
of the AsyncCallback
delegate void AsyncCallback( IAsyncResult ar );
Therefore, this is the signature of the method that will receive notification of
call completion. This method is wrapped in an AsyncCallback
instance and passed to BeginInvoke
Code Example 8
static void Main()
CalcNthPrimeNumber cpn = new CalcNthPrimeNumber(CalculatePi);
IAsyncResult ar = cpn.BeginInvoke( 672,
new AsyncCallback(MyCallback),
null );
// Do some stuff
void MyCallback( IAsyncResult ar )
// Details to follow shortly
void CalculatePi(int n)
// calculate the prime number specified by n
will now be called on completion of the CalcNthPrimeNumber
invocation. However, to do anything useful, MyCallback
needs to be
able to call EndInvoke
on the CalcNthPrimeNumber
but all it has access to is the IAsyncResult
. Taking one final
look at IAsyncResult:
Code Example 9
public interface IAsyncResult
object AsyncState{ get; }
WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle { get; }
bool CompletedSynchronously { get; }
bool IsCompleted { get; }
we see that it has a property, AsyncState
, that returns a System.Object
This is the object passed as the last parameter of BeginInvoke
. So
amending the previous code, we can call EndInvoke
as follows:
Code Example 10
static void Main()
CalcNthPrimeNumber cpn = new CalcNthPrimeNumber(CalculatePi);
cpn.BeginInvoke( 672, new AsyncCallback(MyCallback), cpn );
// Do some stuff
void MyCallback( IAsyncResult ar )
CalcNthPrimeNumber cpn = (CalcNthPrimeNumber)ar.AsyncState;
long result = cpn.EndInvoke(ar);
Console.WriteLine("The result is {0}", result );
void CalculatePi(int n)
// calculate the prime number specified by n
Alternatively, it is documented that the IAsyncResult
is passed to
the MyCallback
is, in fact, referencing an object of type AsyncResult
and so the following code is guaranteed to not throw an InvalidCastException
(at least under the version of the framework current at the time of writing--1.0.3705).
Code Example 11
void MyCallback( IAsyncResult iar )
AsyncResult ar = (AsyncResult)iar;
CalcNthPrimeNumber cpn =
long result = cpn.EndInvoke(ar);
Console.WriteLine("The result is {0}", result );
However, casting an interface to a concrete class doesn't sit well with the author's delicate style sensibilities.
Whichever mechanism is used, there are three caveats:
is called on must be the same
instance on which BeginInvoke
was called. Strangely, this restriction is not applied uniformly for delegates.
For example, when removing event handlers, the delegate just has to refer to the
same target. It is not obvious to the author why this is necessary; however,
both approaches shown conform to this restriction.MyCallback
will not be executed on the same thread as Main
This means that the class implementing these must be protected using
appropriate synchronization primitives if any shared state is updated in the
is not allowed to touch the UI and must use Control.InvokeRequired
and Control.Invoke
or Control.BeginInvoke
to update
UI elements.
The Fire and Forget pattern is used when the return value and returned
parameters of the call are not required, and when there is no need to
synchronize with the asynchronously executing method. In this case, the caller
simply needs to call BeginInvoke
, passing any normal and ref
parameters, and null
for the callback
and asyncState
For example:
Code Example 12
void SpawnPrimeNumber672Calc()
CalcNthPrimeNumber cpn =
new CalcNthPrimeNumber(CalculatePi);
cpn.BeginInvoke( 672, null, null );
// Do some stuff while CalculatePi is executing
void CalculatePi(int n)
// calculate the prime number specified by n
This pattern is excellent where the requirement is solely to execute the functionality on a separate thread so that the primary thread can resume its main task, having no regard to the asynchronously executing method.
This has been a commonly used pattern. However, there has been a documentation
change in version 1.1 of the .NET Framework that has big ramifications for
this technique of making async calls. The documentation now states that EndInvoke
must be called for a corresponding BeginInvoke
Microsoft say they may now, or in the future, leak resources. It appears that
no resources are leaked under version 1.0 of the framework; however, with this
type of warning in place, it is recommended that a call to EndInvoke
be made even if the return values of an async call are not required. It is
relatively straightforward to create a helper class that handles this for you--one example can be found
As can be seen, delegates provide a rich programming model for running code asynchronously. As the async methods run on thread pool threads, there are certain tasks for which async delegates are not appropriate. However, for general-purpose asynchronous work, async delegates are the ideal solution.
Richard Blewett is a UK based independent consultant specializing in .NET technologies.
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